
Out of School Time: Speaking Out at Afterschool Advocacy Day

Each year, the significance of afterschool programs comes to the forefront during Pennsylvania's Afterschool Advocacy Day. This event, which took place on June 5, underscores the vital role these programs play in the lives of children across the state, particularly those facing homelessness and other difficulties.

Students from our Out of School Time (OST) program spoke at a rally at the State Capitol to emphasize the importance of after-school programs. They presented lawmakers, such as Senator Vincent Hughes, with colorful posters and impactful letters explaining how important these programs are to them. 

Afterschool programs such as OST are more than just a place for children to spend their time after the school bell rings; they are a beacon of hope, offering stability, support, and opportunities that can profoundly influence a child's future.

Afterschool Advocacy Day is an annual event organized to raise awareness among legislators, educators, advocates, and families about the crucial role afterschool programs play in the community. During the event, the voices of those directly impacted by afterschool programs are highlighted. Their stories and experiences provide evidence of the transformative power of these programs.

You can read more about Afterschool Advocacy Day at the State Capitol here!

Our OST program provides children with homework help, nutritious snacks, and educational club meetings. Projects are created to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (or STEAM) to provide students with a quality afterschool educational experience. 

We are proud to be recognized as a top provider of afterschool programming in Philadelphia!