
ECS Forum: Take Action!

Written by ECS Philly | Oct 21, 2022 1:14:57 PM

Thank you to all who joined us in person and virtually for the ECS Forum on Justice and Opportunity on the benefits cliff! Our moderator and panelists did an awesome job spotlighting this issue, which is one of our Lead advocacy issues. 

If you were not able to join us, or you want to watch the session again, enjoy watching the recording here on the ECS YouTube channel.

In conjunction with the Forum, we have developed a legislative call to action where you can contact your U.S. Senators and tell them to reinstate the expanded child tax credit. As many of you are aware, the expanded child tax credit, originally part of the federal COVID-19 relief measures, had direct monthly payments sent to families and lifted many children out of poverty. It expired at the end of 2021, and the families who had been helped fell off a benefits cliff. So, please take a moment to contact your Senators – we make it easy for you – by taking our call to action by clicking here