
Why goal setting and incentives?

Written by Alexis Wright-Whitley | Aug 29, 2019 4:44:55 PM
Setting goals enable people to complete their journeys

No one has been able to achieve their dreams without setting goals. People tend to set goals to obtain or reach a larger objective. Reaching self-sufficiency requires establishing a host of goals that can be met along the way. Jane wanted to set an example for her daughter and place herself in a position where she could take control of both her and her daughter’s futures. She set a goal to obtain her GED to reach her larger objective of being a positive example to her daughter.

Goal setting helps map out the steps needed for goal achievement. An essential component of Mobility Mentoring® is the ability to differentiate between short- and long-term goals. Additionally, the ability to remain focused on long-term goals and gains—while immediate fears, desires, and stresses pose as larger concern—is crucial in maintaining and achieving economic independence.

Goal Action Plans

Mapping out the journey to the goal

Our coaches use Goal Action Plans (GAPs) to help guide participants in achieving their goals. A GAP describes the goal, when it is to be achieved, and the steps to be taken towards achievement. GAPs are created and signed by both the coach and participant. GAPs also allow participants to take larger goals and break them down into smaller ones. This allows for greater achievability in attaining goals, as it paints a clearer picture as to what the path to specific goal attainment looks like.


Setting up for actualized success

Goal attainment is also made possible through the use of SMART goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific (what exactly do I want to accomplish?)
  • Measurable (how will I track my progress?)
  • Attainable (is this realistic for me?)
  • Relevant (why am I doing this, and does it matter to me?)
  • Time bound (when will I complete this by?)

Goal setting enables participants to move up on the Bridge to Self-Sufficiency® and ultimately up the ladder of economic mobility.

Incentive Structure

Awards given for goal attainment 

Incentives offer a clear sense of achievement and self-confidence and encourage the use of new techniques and strategies for building executive functioning skills. Incentives can be cash or non-cash and are scaled to the complexity of the goal. According to research, the use of incentives reinforce positive behaviors and goal attainment. Therefore, people  tend to perform better when there is a reward attached.