Ecs Goal getter: Daun's story
My name is Duan R., and I am an ECS Goal Getter. I have been a Mindset participant since 2022. When...
My name is Duan R., and I am an ECS Goal Getter. I have been a Mindset participant since 2022. When...
Economic Mobility Month is a time to reflect and share the ways community members and participants use ECS programs and resources to better their lives. This installment in our celebration of Economic Mobility Month highlights the impact of ECS’ Health and Wellness programming through the eyes of Wanda.
During Economic Mobility Month, ECS is reflecting on and sharing the ways community members and participants use our programs and resources to better their lives. This installment highlights the impact of ECS’ Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program through the story of Erickah.
At this year’s annual Staff Appreciation Day, ECS recognized the work and dedication of Tiffany Patterson, the Site Director at OST (Out of School Time) Feltonville Arts and Sciences.
On Tuesday evenings, people from across the City of Philadelphia gather in the name of one thing: nutrition. They exchange stories of sharing recipes with family members and preparing the week’s featured meal. The room erupts into collective delight as one member shares pictures of last night’s dinner.
Kyle Evans, Chaplain, and Caroline Dunleavy, Senior Director of Advocacy, recently represented ECS at a two-day prayer and action summit in Harrisburg, PA. With One Voice: End Gun Violence Now was organized by the Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and included statewide interfaith partners focused on ending gun violence.
On October 24, 2023, Federal banking regulatory bodies issued a final ruling on its process for revitalizing and strengthening the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977. The ruling tightens regulations on banks, furthering the goal of challenging the racial home ownership gap by combating lending discrimination. Episcopal Community Services (ECS) submitted its first formal regulatory comment in 2022 during the rulemaking process to suggest additional ways to increase the effectiveness of the CRA.
ECS recently hosted a graduation ceremony to celebrate the hard work of the first graduating cohort in our MindSet program. Staff, family, and friends gathered at the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas to watch their graduates give remarks and receive recognition for their years of diligent study.
On Wednesday, October 25th, ECS celebrated a transition of leadership as we honored Dave Griffith for his service and welcomed our new leader, Anne Rice-Burgess. John Chou, ECS’ Board President along with Fred Sutherland, Board President Emeritus officiated the transition, with The Reverend John E. Midwood, former ECS Executive Director, providing the evening's blessing.
ECS’ Out of School Time (OST) recently celebrated the 24th annual Lights On Afterschool at seven school-based sites in the Greater Philadelphia region. Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide rally to raise awareness about the importance of afterschool programming. Educators, government officials, students and other community stakeholders came together to demonstrate their ongoing support for ECS OST programs.